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Leadership Development
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EO and Diversity
Race and Gender
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Healthcare Disparities
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Race and Gender

What should managers and leaders do to make sure that their organizations become the employer of choice for diverse members of work teams? When people seek employment, pursue a promotion or want to change the type of work they do, the meaning put on race, gender and ethnic relations can affect their choices. The earning gap between whites and minorities is more related to ethnic and race group membership than differences in educational attainment.

Race, ethnic and gender disparities in the workplace must be targeted through diversity competencies that expose unfair workplace practices. Stereotyping, favoritism, pre-selecting and informal hiring networks keep the organization from benefiting from the diversity of thought and talent that are more attainable by having diverse, inclusive work teams. Flawed strategies must be replaced with balanced and fair practices.

We can help you to:

  • Reduce prejudice and discrimination by creating and sustaining diverse, inclusive high performance work teams;
  • Discover the hidden rules in your organizational culture that continue to foster unequal opportunities for women and minorities; and,
  • Recognize the contributions of all in establishing and defending our society in order to foster respect for hiring, growing and promoting talent from all groups.